Juice 1
1 green apple
½ cucumber
½ fresh lemon juice
½ beetroot
1-inch ginger root
1 carrot
1.5 cups water
1.Wash the ingredients
2.Chop all the ingredients and add into a blender
3.Add water
4.Blend till smooth
Juice 2
½ cucumber
1 celery stick
A bunch of lettuce or Spinach
½ cup broccoli
½ green apple
½ freshly squeezed lime juice
1 carrot
1.Wash the ingredients
2.Chop all the ingredients and add into a blender
3.Add water
4.Blend till smooth

Juice 3
1 cup blueberries
1 green apple
1 cup cabbage
½ cup cauliflower
½ teaspoon turmeric powder
1.5 cups water
1.Wash the ingredients
2.Chop all the ingredients and add into a blender
3.Add water
4.Blend till smooth
Juice 4
1 cup brewed green tea and cooled
1 green apple
1-inch ginger
½ cup broccoli
1.Wash the ingredients
2.Chop the ingredients and add into a blender
3.Add the green tea
4.Blend till smooth
These juices are also good for the skin and helps achieve a clear skin. They will flash out toxins from your body. Also, include the following foods in your daily diet: spinach, cabbage, kales, carrots and broccoli. Drink lots of water and check out any weight issues. For more details on the do’s and don’ts,