Losing belly fat can be traumatic if not done well. You may end up adding more fat instead of losing it. Follow the below tips to help you. The following tips will help you lose belly fat faster.

1.Eat plenty of soluble fiber
Eating lot of soluble fiber helps absorb water. It forms a gel that slows down food down the digestive system. They make you feel full and hence decreases the number of absorbed calories. Also, fatty acids will be produced that will help in reducing the belly fat. You can eat oatmeal, flaxseeds, sweet potatoes, legumes, blackberries among others.
2.Stay away from foods with trans fats
Trans fats are found in margarines and spreads, packaged foods, fried foods among others. They increase fat around the belly.
3.Pack in the protein
Proteins play a role in fat tummy. They make one feel full by increasing the fullness hormone and decreasing appetite. They also help in building good muscle which increases your metabolism and hence making it easy to lose weight. Proteins help in retaining lean muscles. When you eat more protein, you will have less abdominal fat. You can also add whey protein to smoothies, meals and others. Eat fish, eggs, broccoli, sprouts and beans.
4.Do not stop moving
Dieting while exercising is still the best way to lose belly fat. Please note that visceral fat responds faster to aerobics. The frequency and the duration are more important than the intensity. While doing aerobics, you can burn up to 67% when compared to resistance training. Cardio burns calories more, while crunches strengthen abs. it is advisable to do full body workout because it gives the body total movement.
5.Quit eating a lot of sugar
Sugar has more calories. Give up drinking sugary drinks, soda, juices among others. Sugar increases belly fat, while fiber reduces belly fat. Replace sugary drinks with apples, melons, berries or use honey sparingly.
6.Eat polyunsaturated fats
This include salmons, almond butter, flax seeds etc. They add muscle mass which boosts metabolism and reduces fat.

7.Alcohol consumption
Alcohol consumption adds fat around the waist and leads to a protruded belly. Cut the consumption of alcohol.
8.Reduce stress
When you are stressed, the brain shrinks while the belly grows. This increases blood sugar and even leads to eating junk.
9.Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep
Sleeping 7 to 8 hours boosts your body metabolism. Lack of sleep leads to weight gain. Sleeping 5 hours or less in a night leads to an increase in visceral fat. Sleep more to improve your body metabolism.
10.Cut refined carbs
Reduce the intake of refined carbs as they target the belly fat. For example, cut on white bread, rice, pasta, cookies, candies etc.
11.Try intermittent fasting
This is the eating in cycles between periods of eating and periods of fasting. Fasting means eating nothing or no calories for say 14 to 20 hours followed by a shorter 4 to 10 hours eating of calories to lose weight. Starting is hard but with time you get used to it.
12.Drink more green tea or apple cider vinegar
This boost metabolism hence boosting weight loss. Drink a cup of green tea before working out. Also have a solid plan, it will go a long way.

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