Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease that comes due to androgen-induced increased sebum production, inflammation and bacterial from hair follicles (Williams et al., 2012). Mostly this occurs on the neck, face, chest and back. According to research, there is no clear reason for acne triggers. However, diet can also trigger. For teenagers, it occurs during physical and social changes and could last even till adult years (Smith et al., 2020). Acne most times start at puberty which is normally comedonal than inflammatory because there is less sebum production at that age.
There are three main causes of acne.
1.Over production of oil
These includes hormones, excess oils in our bodies, and oils from the pores to the skin.
1.Develop an active skin care routine and follow it
2.Do hormonal balancing
2.Building up of dead skin cells
This is from blocked pores that prevent oils from being secreted. The oils will get trapped in the pores and build up. The P-acnes bacteria will feed off the trapped oil. Then acne occurs.
Always exfoliate the skin to increase and improve the skin turnover.
3.Genetic factors
Family history of acne can increase the risk of other persons in the family getting acne. As per study by Sutaria et al. (2020), the heritage ranges from 50 to 90 percent. This means acne can be inherited.
Study has also have some relations between smoking and acne (Williams et al., 2012). If you are trying to recover from acne, lower or quit smoking.
5.P-Acnes bacteria increase
The rise in P-Acne bacteria results in an immune response and inflammation. So, the white cells are normally sent to fight the bacteria. As results, dead white cells accumulate leading to pus.
Remedy: reduce inflammation through taking foods rich in antioxidants. This will reduce the bacteria.
Other causes of acne according to (Sutaria et al., 2020) include:
1.Using medications like steroids, lithium, and anticonvulsants
2.Being exposed to excess sunlight
3.Disorders like ovarian syndrome and even pregnancy
Foods can also cause acne. For example:
1.Oil based cosmetics and facial massages
2.Foods with daily products, junk food, and even chocolate
3.Premenstrual flare ups which occurs in up to 70 percentage of females
4.Anger, and even anxiety can also lead to acne as this increases the stress hormones
Overall treatment is to
1.Seek medical advice with severe acne.
2.Develop a skin care routine at home.
3.Take lots of fruits and vegetable
4.Take foods rich in antioxidants
5.Drink lots of water
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